1. Approval of Extension #1 to the Interlocal Agreement for the HUD Section 8 Housing Assistance Program, and the accompanying Lease Agreement at 1567 County Road 315, with the Flagler County Housing Authority, for the term of April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, at no cost to the County. The Lessee shall pay the Lessor $1.00/year as rent for the premises. (H. Parrish) A) Interlocal Agreement, Extension #1 - Flagler County Housing Authority B) Lease Agreement - Flagler County Housing Authority
2. Approval of the following Continuous Drainline Repair Agreements, for continuous drainline repairs and/or new construction in accordance with Bid #14/15-5, for a period of one year from the contract "entered into" date, for project tasks valued at $200,000.00 or less. Funding Source: 101-3701-546100 (J. Beck) A) Riverstone Construction, LLC. B) Jax Utility Management, Inc.
3. Approval to award Bid #14/15-10, C. R. 209 South Cross Drain Replacement, to Besch and Smith Civil Group. Upon review of the bid results, it was determined that the two lowest bidders did not meet the obligations within the bid. Both contractors failed to provide a list of FDOT Pre-qualified contractors to perform certain portions of the project. Due to this, Grouting and Subgrade Improvements, LLC and Amen Construction were rejected from the bid. Staff also recommends not performing any of the guard rail portions of the scope. Line items for Guardrail (Straight w/Section), Guardrail (Post w/Accessories), and 50.5 End Anchorage Assembly, shall be removed from the results of the bid. By removing these items, it does not change the outcome of this bid order for the recommended contractor. The construction price will change from $372,542.00 to $350,697.72. Funding Sources: 305-6036-563000 & 101-3701-546100 (J. Beck)
4. Approval to add Michael Fleming from the Engineering & Public Works Department to the Purchasing Agent List. Policy training was completed by Michael on February 24, 2015. (K. Thomas)
5. Approval of firm rankings for RFP 14/15-20, Swimming Pool Management and Lifeguard Staffing. Staff’s evaluations of the submittals are attached hereto for consideration. A copy of each proposal is also attached for review. Cost: $47,625.00 minus fees collected. Funding Source: 001-3201-534600 (K. Thomas) Scoring Results: 84.66 YMCA of Florida’s First Coast 63.33 USA Pool Management, Inc. 48 Aquatic Management, Inc.
6. Approval of Budget Amendment #15-062 and Resolution in the amount of $12,307.00 to record unanticipated revenue from the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, FY 2014 State Homeland Security Grant, Issue 16. These grant funds will used be for the purposes of training. Clay County Contract #14/15-74 was approved by the Board on January 13, 2015. (L. Mock)
7. Approval of the waiver of the purchasing policy as it may apply, the designation of the Northeast Florida Regional Council as a sole source, and the FY14/15 Local Mitigation Strategy Agreement, with the Northeast Florida Regional Council, for a period of one year, at the cost of $6,000.00. Funding Source: 001-2102-531000 (L. Mock)
8. Approval of Fee Agreement with Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP (Constangy), for labor and employment law consulting services, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00, with the Agreement term ending upon the expenditure of the fee cap. Funding Source: 001-0301-531200 (M. Scruby)