1. Approval of Budget Transfer #15-054 in the total amount of $55,055.00 to increase the funding allocation in Professional Services for the Drug Court Division, which includes a transfer out of contingency in the amount of $49,223.32. This transfer will permit continuous application of needed treatment services to high-risk/high-needs population and increased maximum weekly hours for case management services. Funding Sources: 134-9934-599100 & 134-1067-Various (T. Roark/S. Russ)
2. Approval of the FY 2014-2015 Mediation-Arbitration Program Coordinator Agreement with Shirley Haag, at the rate of $15.00 per hour/not to exceed 40 hours per week, and an Agreement term of April 1, 2015 through September 30, 2015, for the Clay County Court, Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida. Funding Source:122-3001-534000 (M. Scruby)
3. Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Agreement #09/10-141, including advance payment and sole source, with Tracker Software Corporation, for the service and maintenance of the PubWorks system, in the amount of $9,995.00, and for the period of April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016. Funding Source: 001-0107-546110 (T. Nagle)
4. Approval of advance payment, sole source, and the 5th Renewal to Agreement #09/10-88, with ESRI, Inc., for GIS Software Maintenance, in the amount of $26,699.54, for a period of one year. Funding Source: 001-0107-546110 (T. Nagle)
5. Approval of deeds and accompanying Resolution for parcels 105.1 and 115.1, to the Florida Department of Transportation, for the purpose of completing a test project along S.R. 200 for concrete pavement, at no cost to the County. (J. Beck)
6. Approval to award Bid No. 14/15-8, Repairs to Tree Houses at Camp Chowenwaw Park, to Bernard Development, Inc. in the amount of $57,870.00. Approval will be effective after 72 hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received. The scope of work includes repairs to all 9 tree houses. Submittals are available for review in the Purchasing Division. Funding Source: 001-3201-546100 (K. Thomas)
7. Approval to add John Radomski and Mark Neeld from the Public Works Fleet Division to the Purchasing Agent List. Policy training was completed by John and Mark on February 11, 2015. (K. Thomas)
8. Approval of the SHIP Grant Funding Agreement with Challenge Enterprises, Inc., for the purpose of purchasing property for special needs housing, located at 5771 Green Road, Middleburg, Florida, in the amount of $121,829.00, for an Agreement term of one year. Funding Source: 116-0110-549880 (H. Parrish)
9. Approval of Agreement with Community Champions Corporation, and waiver of the purchasing policy as it may apply, for the registration of vacant/abandoned property, for a period of two years, with Community Champions Corp paying the County 50% of the $200.00 registration fee. (H. Parrish)
10. Approval to award Bid 14/15-13, Reconditioning and Remounting of Rescue Chassis, to Ten-8 Fire Equipment as lowest qualified bidder in the amount of $535,871.80. The lowest bidder Taylor Made Ambulance had unsatisfactory performance for service and warranty of last four units purchased. Delays in response to problems, parts requests and technical support are examples of problems encountered. There was a significant out of service time for the rescue unit due to a delay in getting the right parts. Approval will be effective after 72 hour bid protest period has expired, assuming no protests are received. Submittals are available for review in the Purchasing Division. Funding Sources:001-2103-564100 & 142-1703-564100 (L. Mock)